Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Quilting Ladies that I Quilted for a Friend

I occasionally do custom quilting for others, not as a business, but just for fun.  Here is a quilt of cute quilting ladies I did for a friend from my Palo Verde Patchers' quilting group. 

I did a meander around the quilting ladies.

There's a feathered wreath in the large 4-patch blocks.

This is the inner border design.

A feathered outer border.
I was very slow finishing this quilt.  This poor lady had to wait for quite some time for her quilt.  I'm finally starting to feel better though, I've had quite a bad fibro flare, and it's kept me out of my sewing room for several months.  I don't do quilt show quality quilts - I just quilt for fun from time to time.  I'm pleased to have this one finished. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Crazy Quilt Mini Silk Ribbon Embroidery Flowers

Finished the Crazy Quilt Class (#107 Mini Silk Ribbon Embroidery Flowers) in August but forgot to post pictures.  Fun class, learned a lot, and have already made a few more flowers for some of my other crazy quilt blocks.

Scene #1.  Can you see the little bunny in the bottom right corner?

Scene #2
Both scenes together.
I was able to get them both in my hoop, side by side, because I made them half the size of the pattern.  My plan is to put them into the center of a crazy quilt block so I wanted to make them small enough to do that.  It made forming the flowers, and fitting them into the allotted space along the fences a little bit more challenging, but that's okay.