Sunday, April 24, 2016

Crazy quilt image slips

The two crazy quilt slips for this task are image slips.  The first one I made is a teddy bear.  I used a piece of fabric as my pattern.

The next two pictures are of the teddy bear cut out with a 1/4" seam allowance and then the seam allowance turned under using Elmer's school glue before I appliqued him to my crazy quilt block.  I stuffed the teddy bear as I was attaching him to the crazy quilt block so he looks sort of puffy and cute.


My second image slip is a bunch of flowers.  Again I used a piece of fabric instead of a drawn pattern.  I decided to do this as an oval medallion and to work the flowers in 4mm silk ribbon.  I was able to use my ProMarkers to color my ribbon.  I decided not to stuff the medallion because I liked how it looked this way.  I added a neutral ric rac when I attached the medallion to my block.
The next 3 picture are the steps I used to make this slip.  Fabric selection and oval shape drawn, then silk ribbon embroidery completed and French knot centers, and finally the completed slip. 


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